
作者:李佳星 时间:2023-12-28 点击数:

消防安全 警钟长鸣。按照我规定,每学期对国际学生宿舍进行两次安全检查,此为我工作的重中之重。20231228日下午,我院老师将对国际学生公寓进行全面安全检查。现将有关事项通知如下:

“Fire Safety Alarm Bells Ring Forever” University pays more attention on security. And there are two times regular inspection for international students apartment each semester, which is the priority of all. Our international teachers will inspect students room together .For detailed information:

一、检查时间Inspection time and team leader on each floor

检查时间 20231228 下午16:00

Inspection time:4:00 PM , DEC 28. 2023

二、检查内容Contents to be inspected

国际学生公寓安全检查Safety Inspection

三、检查要求 Requirements


The focus of this inspection is about electricity use and housing environment safety, every teacher of international Education College should inspect every room carefully. Dear students please stay in your room during the inspection time. if you are not in your room. we will open your room ourselves.


The violation appliances will be confiscated.


International Education College


DEC 28,2023

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